The best plan to start out your Internet existence with limited funds. Kickstart your small–scale portfolio page, family photo gallery or private blog site immediately using the 1–click Web Apps Installer. An absolutely free domain name is bundled. And so is a convenient–to–use Control Panel.
Startup Package
We're Different
Shared SSL IPs WHOIS Privacy ModSecurity Domain Backorders Data Compression No Overselling ZFS Storage w/ SSDs - Fast SSD Drives
Startup hosting at
$5.25/mo.Examine our hosting platform with a 30-day free trial. No payment necessary.
Free Templates
More than 100 completely free design templates integrated in the Control Panel
Hunting for a brand new theme for your Wordpress online journal? Alternatively, would you like a fresh layout for your Joomla™–powered website? You are able to choose from over one hundred charge–free web layouts straight from within the IT Genius Squad Solutions Web Hosting Control Panel. Just select the website template of your choosing and install it on your website with just a click of the mouse. Your brand new web site will be set up with its own cutting–edge design within minutes. And you will not even have to abandon your web hosting Control Panel!
24x7 Support
Twenty–four–seven Client Support
Our team of skilled techs is waiting for you to contact 24x7x365 for any issues that you may have concerning our cloud website hosting services. Irrespective of whether you are in need of advice or have a serious problem to settle, we are here to help you. You can reach us via email or using the ticketing system. A 60–minute response time is guaranteed. You can also give us a ring or use the live support service during work hours.
Website Installer
Publish your brand new site with one mouse click
Setting up a brand–new site can be a hard and costly process. But we, at IT Genius Squad Solutions, have done all the hard work on your behalf – now you can install your website using a ready–to–use site theme with a simple click. It’s very simple – simply pick out the type of your brand–new web site – personal or business, and select a layout you like. Our platform will tackle all the rest and will send you the login details so that you can begin working on your web site momentarily.
True Cloud Platform
Take a Tour
We’ve developed our own custom–built cloud website hosting platform based on the newest topflight technologies. Having every service (DNSs, e–mails, databases, apps, etc.) dealt with by an autonomous hosting server, your site content will operate in the cloud and will be fully protected from unexpected downtimes and service disturbances.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
Not satisfied with your website’s load speed? Ask for a refund.
We are trying our very best to offer a topflight cloud hosting service to you. A brand new cloud website hosting platform, a selection of top–notch Data Centers plus a set of Web Site Acceleration Tools will ensure the best loading speeds for all your sites. However, if you are not pleased with our cloud web hosting services, you can request a refund in the first thirty days of your subscription.
Web Stats
Keep track of your web site 24x7x365 from your web hosting Control Panel
The Web Hosting Control Panel features a selection of comprehensive web statistic tools that will present you with precise info about your sites. You’ll be able to monitor your web site’s traffic in greater detail and discover absolutely everything pertaining to your web site visitors – exactly where they come from and what device and Internet browser they’re employing. You can choose from among 3 web statistics tools – the popular Webalizer and AWStats tools and a brand new full–featured web analytics software that we have made with your tips and recommendations in mind.
Data Backups
Your web sites are totally backed–up with us
We back up your web site content on a regular basis, so you never risk losing your own personal website files, web applications, databases, email messages, etc. because of cyber–thieves assaults or involuntary deleting on your part. Also, using the File Manager available in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can make manual backups of your web site content at any time. Simply mark and zip the file(s) that you wish to back up and our system will save it for you in the location you’ve selected.
Website Builder
Save some money on web design services – publish your websites with just a click
Save cash on money–consuming website design services – we give you all the tools that you need to complete the task on your own. With the convenient Website Creator, you can build a whole web site with a simple click of the mouse using any of the offered ready–made web page templates. Then just incorporate all your custom content. We offer 100+ templates for both personal and business web sites featuring various colour combinations.
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Service guarantees
- Each of our plans is set up for your needs for free. 30 day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour reply time.
Compare our prices
- Quickly examine the resources and features offered by our website hosting deals. Find out which package provides you with precisely what you will need to put in place and deal with your websites easily.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We are online for you in business hours to answer any queries with regards to our cloud website hosting service.