Varnish in Cloud Website Hosting
Varnish comes as an optional upgrade with each and every Linux cloud website hosting package and if you’d like to use it, you can add it to your website hosting account through the Upgrades menu in your Hepsia Control Panel. There’re two separate things that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the memory. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites that you wish to use Varnish for and the second one, which comes in increments of 32 megabytes, refers to the total amount of content that the platform can store at any given moment. Hepsia’s easy-to-use graphical interface will allow you to deactivate or to restart any instance, to see detailed logs or to get rid of the platform’s cache with just a click. For best results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the websites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your site will open significantly faster, meaning more satisfied website users and prospective customers.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Varnish content caching platform is included in the default service set that you will receive if you decide to host your websites under a semi-dedicated server account. You can set it up for any of your websites via our cutting-edge Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The default amount of memory that Varnish can use to cache data is 64 MB, but if you decide that you need more, you can upgrade this amount of memory from the Control Panel’s Upgrades section. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, in other words – the number of the Internet sites that can use this platform simultaneously. As these two things aren’t tied to each other, you can use a couple of sites with the default memory or you can order more memory in increments of 32 MB and use all of it for a single website. The Varnish caching platform performs best when you get a dedicated IP for the websites that utilize its power. The Hepsia Control Panel will give you a simple way of rebooting any instance. In addition, you will be able to delete the cached content with only one click of the mouse.
Varnish in VPS Hosting
You can take full advantage of the workload balancing capabilities of Varnish with each of our VPS hosting packages in case you select Hepsia as your web hosting Control Panel. The data caching platform is offered by default and the amount of system memory that it’ll be able to utilize to cache your website content depends upon the specific VPS package that you have picked, but even with the less powerful plans, you’ll have at least several hundred megabytes of system memory at your disposal only for caching purposes. This amount is enough to improve the work of numerous sites. It’ll take a little time for you to detect the results, since the Varnish platform caches the content that site visitors open, but soon thereafter you’ll notice the considerably lowered load and the increased site browsing speed. The Varnish platform will allow you to make use of a lower-end Virtual Private Server plan for sites which would usually need a more costly hosting solution.
Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting
You can employ Varnish in order to speed up any website that is hosted on a dedicated server from our company when the Hepsia hosting Control Panel is installed on the machine. Not only will you get the content caching platform ready to be used at no additional charge, but you will also have total control over it via the Hepsia Control Panel’s intuitive graphical interface. It’ll take just one single click to start or delete an instance or to clear the cached files for any Internet site that’s using Varnish and if you’re more practiced, you can also see the platform’s logs. Varnish comes with no less than three gigabytes of memory for content caching purposes, so even if you run an enormous number of Internet sites on your dedicated machine and they all use the Varnish platform, the difference in their overall performance will be distinguishable. You will only have to wait for a while until Varnish caches whatever pages the site visitors load on their end. The platform performs best when the sites use a dedicated IP address, but considering the fact that our dedicated servers include 3 charge-free IP addresses, you’ll have all that you need.